nrochem QUIZ - advanced

test your knowledge of named reactions with real examples



Learn and practice 102 important named reactions

The Named Reactions Handbook & Quiz will be your ultimate study companion, helping you ace exams and making you a valuable asset on the labor market.

Learn and practice 102 important named reactions

The Named Reactions Handbook & Quiz will be your ultimate study companion, helping you ace exams and making you a valuable asset on the labor market.

#1. Reaction Name?

#2. Reaction Name?

#3. Reaction Name?

#4. Reaction Name?

#5. Reaction Name?

#6. Reaction Name?

#7. Reaction Name?

#8. Reaction Name?

#9. Reaction Name?

#10. Reaction Name?

#11. Reaction Name?

#12. Reaction Name?

#13. Reaction Name?

#14. Reaction Name?

#15. Reaction Name?


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